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Policies & Procedures

Gateway to Discovery. He Kūaha Kitenga.

Growing Actively Together as we Engage with our World.


About Our School

Picton School is a co-educational primary school that caters for tamariki children from Years 1- 6. Our school (opened in 1861) occupies a sunny, open site with spacious grounds for physical activity, play, and rich learning experiences. The kura maintains a high profile in the community and a positive partnership exists between whānau families, kaimahi staff, our tamariki children and the school community which has high achievement expectations for their children.

We recognise that our ākonga come from many different cultures, whānau and pathways, but we enter the same gateway to discover capabilities, our community and our world.

Picton School is proud to be a Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L) School and an Enviroschool. Our staff are actively engaged in and committed to Poutama Pounamu as we continue to grow our bicultural capability and culturally sustaining pedagogy.

We are committed to progress and achievement for all of our precious children and the uniqueness of each child is highly valued. “Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi" Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”

Classroom programmes are designed to be challenging, success-orientated, engaging and fulfilling. 

We value social, academic, collective and personal achievement, positive attitudes, pride in effort and the willingness to take part in the opportunities the school provides.

Our curriculum programme promotes, explicitly teaches and rewards the five school values which we are learning to grow: 

  • Te Mōhiotanga. 
  • Motuhake. 
  • Rangatiratanga. 
  • Te Tautuhi. 
  • Manaakitanga.

For each of these Values we have explored how Kupe the legendary leader demonstrated them as he chased Te Wheke o Muturangi the octopus across the Pacific Ocean and founded Aotearoa.

These are displayed around the school and can also be found on our website under "Vision & Values" 

We would love for you and your whānau to join us at Picton School. Please come and visit us!

Ngā manaakitanga | with greatest kindness

Katie Talbot

Tumuaki / Principal

What's happening at Picton School?

Upcoming Events in February

Tue 18

Duffy Theatre

18 Feb 2025

Mon 24

School Photos from

24 Feb 2025

Latest Notices

11 Mar 2024


On Friday 22nd March a number of our kaiako teachers are attending a paid union meeting in Blenheim at 1.30pm. 

School will remain open as we have the Duffy Theatre performing in the afternoon. You are most welcome to come along and watch. 

Please note - there will be no assembly that day. 

If you have any pātai questions at all please email me at katie@picton.school.nz


Assembly on FriYAY
27 Feb 2024

Kia ora e te whānau,
We are excited to run our first assembly at 2.15pm in the hall this Friday.
If you can make it, you are most welcome to join us!

Road Safety
8 Feb 2024

Mōrena e te whānau,

We hope your tamariki came home yesterday full of excitement after a great day back at school! 

We are wondering if there are any whānau who have spare time in the mornings or afternoons to support our children crossing the road on Kent Street.  We know this is a busy spot, so if anyone has a spare 20 minutes it would be great to tag an adult to the crossing to support positive road safety practices. If you are available any mornings or afternoons could you please email me at katie@picton.school.nz and we can sort a time.

Thank you for role modelling safe practices on and around the road, to our tamariki and using the crossing!


Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Picton Fresh Choice Vicki Eastgate - Bayleys Morgan Plumbing Vicki Weetman - Summit Real Estate Stacey Tredo - Picton Property Manager Tile Warehouse Picton Ankit Sharma -Arizto Real Estate Freelance Painters Marlborough Limited Sulex Electrical LTD Seabreeze Cafe & Bar
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