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Policies & Procedures

Gateway to Discovery. He Kūaha Kitenga.

Growing Actively Together as we Engage with our World.


About Our School

Picton School is a co-educational primary school that caters for tamariki children from Years 1- 6. Our school (opened in 1861) occupies a sunny, open site with spacious grounds for physical activity, play, and rich learning experiences. The kura maintains a high profile in the community and a positive partnership exists between whānau families, kaimahi staff, our tamariki children and the school community which has high achievement expectations for their children.

We recognise that our ākonga come from many different cultures, whānau and pathways, but we enter the same gateway to discover capabilities, our community and our world.

Picton School is proud to be a Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L) School and an Enviroschool. Our staff are actively engaged in and committed to Poutama Pounamu as we continue to grow our bicultural capability and culturally sustaining pedagogy.

We are committed to progress and achievement for all of our precious children and the uniqueness of each child is highly valued. “Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi" Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”

Classroom programmes are designed to be challenging, success-orientated, engaging and fulfilling. 

We value social, academic, collective and personal achievement, positive attitudes, pride in effort and the willingness to take part in the opportunities the school provides.

Our curriculum programme promotes, explicitly teaches and rewards the five school values which we are learning to grow: 

  • Te Mōhiotanga. 
  • Motuhake. 
  • Rangatiratanga. 
  • Te Tautuhi. 
  • Manaakitanga.

For each of these Values we have explored how Kupe the legendary leader demonstrated them as he chased Te Wheke o Muturangi the octopus across the Pacific Ocean and founded Aotearoa.

These are displayed around the school and can also be found on our website under "Vision & Values" 

We would love for you and your whānau to join us at Picton School. Please come and visit us!

Ngā manaakitanga | with greatest kindness

Katie Talbot

Tumuaki / Principal

What's happening at Picton School?

Upcoming Events in October

Fri 25


25 Oct 2024

Wed 30

Dental Bus

30 Oct 2024

Wed 30

Ahuareka QCC

30 Oct 2024

Latest Notices

School Photos are on tomorrow!
5 May 2024

Hero - Student Management System
23 Apr 2024

Link to Instructions for Hero Download


Kia ora e te whānau,

I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely break with friends and whānau. We really do live in the best corner of the world! 

We are very excited to let you know that we have upgraded our Student Management System [SMS] to "Hero". Hero is a high functioning system used by many kura across the country. 

We will be rolling into this slowly, but in time will use Hero for live reporting to whānau, sharing learning goals and progress and more! 

From now, all of our communication will be sent via Hero. It's very easy to sign up, and completely free. Hero works well on a laptop or a phone.  You can report an absence directly on the app too! 

The reason we have made this change is to streamline our processes, Hero is a "one stop shop" meaning many internal things done at school can all be managed on the one system. 

I have attached the instructions for accessing Hero for whānau to this post, if you have any challenges at all please flick me an email at katie@picton.school.nz and I will help you out! 
Please note, when signing into the app you will need to use the email supplied to the school.

Thank you for your patience as we roll over onto this new system, we trust you will love using Hero as much as our staff! 

Kia pai te pō have a lovely evening,

11 Mar 2024


On Friday 22nd March a number of our kaiako teachers are attending a paid union meeting in Blenheim at 1.30pm. 

School will remain open as we have the Duffy Theatre performing in the afternoon. You are most welcome to come along and watch. 

Please note - there will be no assembly that day. 

If you have any pātai questions at all please email me at katie@picton.school.nz


Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Picton Fresh Choice Vicki Eastgate - Bayleys Morgan Plumbing
QR code for downloading the app

Scan this code to download the app

Get the Skool Loop - School App

Download our Skool Loop App, a simple and free download. In Google Play & App Store search ‘Skool Loop’ and choose our school once installed.

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play
Hand holding phone

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